curl -s -O && chmod +x get_Butt3r && ./get_Butt3r --install
ButT3r removes friction!
ButT3r refined the extreme lubrication properties of bash, in order to offer you the ButT3r way to create full-stack web apps, Fast as a sausage on a well oiled pan ! both the creation And the app ! wiiiiiizzzzz
After a 7 years professional hiatus, I have lots of opinions and absolutly no insights ! So, I‘ve done my best to steal others work's and shove it into this CLI tool !
It is written in bash (arguably the most amazing programming language !) and using the most definitly greatest pure bash standalone argument parsing generator CLI tool : parseArger !
The main goal is to work smarT3r, not harder ! Get to start your project in 10 seconds, and revolutionnize the WORLD (The same thing we do every night, Pinky ! tadatadatada tadatadatada ...)
What does it do ? It installs and configures everything, create all the files, and even create a docker stackfor you ! (if you want !), starts, stops, cleans and exports your database ! Soon™
Ooh Ooooh, and create components, and pages, and layouts boilerplates (imports, props and all that !)
A ButT3r Demo
# How do I install butter.... this is a scarry place... the terminal...
I haz fear dark
# terminalophobic and other terminal-impared individuals rejoice !
ButT3r is accessible !
ButT3r haz --ai !
In case you were wondering, or not tired of everyone shoving AI in everything and absolutly anything, you‘ll be happy to learn that, ButT3r also comes with AI !
Waaaiiiit, WUUUUUT ? ButT3r can do AI ? ooooh yeah baby, and it can do it gooooood !
A new component ? --ai !
A new Page ? --ai !
A new LAYOUT ?!? --AI !!
Easy as p(A)Ie !
How do you use it ? Easy I sAId !
- Use --ai when installing ButT3r, this will install the AI-Gents CLI tool (you can configure providers and models also --ai-provider and --ai-model ;))
- Use --ai “a description for the stuff you want to create“ when creating a new component, page or layout. Remember, output is only as good as the prompt!
- “Instant“ AI code! (What do you mean buttery slop?! I already told you, it is a well oiled pan, and you are the project is the sausage !)